Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Worthy pursuits

Yesterday we were having one of many conversations with my family on ultimate freedom and its dimensions, the pitfalls of fanaticism, extremism in Christians and other faith based groupings, materialism and how it has altered the joy and happiness mankind was supposed to experience and so on.  One remarked at how the statement   "....those who are hopelessly enslaved are the ones who falsely believe are free", kind of summarises the discussion on freedom and that got me thinking again about what I have discussed in another forum here on FB.

Why do we need so much, when we already have enough and can still do with less? Why are we thumping our predisposed arthritic feet on a treadmill to nowhere. It was here before we came. It will still be here when we leave, this curse, fuelled by materialism called money!

There three important things worth pursuing:

1. A healthy lifestyle so that you do not need medical aid. The medical and pharmaceutical fraternities are bagging it, whilst we all toil to afford medical aid. It is not normal. It is called enslavement. It is public subjugation and we have signed on to it.    

You spend the rest of your life paying for medical aid and not using it and when you really need it, post 50 years, if you are blessed nowadays to live that long, your propensity to generate more income as it declines inhibits you from affording it. It is a glaring fraud of our times. Legalised fraud because all those premiums you paid will not be paid back to you. 

Even with medical aid, when your day comes, the best medical mortals will not be able to help you live longer!

2. Financial freedom does not necessarily mean having your loot stashed away in some offshore account for that rainy day or time when you are disabled by aged.

It means, knowing how little you need and require on a daily basis and fighting everyday to maintain a balance, an equilibrium that suppresses the advertising induced wants and focus on the needs. The need to spend time with loved ones, the need to stay connected with those that enrich your being, the need to do an act of kindness to strangers everyday, even if that act of kindness is just a smile, the need to read more and be wiser each day, the need to be more pragmatic, practical and prudent where life matters are concerned and so on and so forth.

3. Mental freedom is peace of mind. You certainly cannot have 3 without 1 and 2. Peace of mind is a preserve of the few. The lucky few. The courageous few. The fearless few. Those from amongst us with the boldness and relentlessness to challenge the status quo as it is defined to all of us by the power elite.

The enslavement that we find ourselves, in today's so called "civilised and modern" world, is systematic, public, legalised fraud meted on us with our consent under the illusion of freedom.

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