Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Manage your ego and succeed in life

I have met many young people who think that one needs a magic wand to get ahead. They are looking for a quick deal, a quick opportunity, in essence a quick fix to get money and success now. Conspicuous consumption and the I-want-it-now-this-very-moment mentality is now the order of the day amongst these impressionable youngers. They judge success based on the visible, material abundance on display. They do not care how the person got there. They do not ask, what business are they running, where do they work to achieve this conspicuous wealth. All they strive for is to be the same, to be like them in order to be successful.

What I know for sure is that the rules for success have not changed. They have remained the same since time immemorial. The is no short-cut to sincerely, consistent and dedicated hard work. Determination, focus, tenacity,   perseverance, honesty, authenticity and consistency are all key ingredients to success, but it is your attitude that is the determining factor, the most important factor of all. Skill, education and experience are important, but without a managed attitude, an ego that is constantly put in check, success will be elusive to many.

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