Wednesday, February 25, 2015


A glimpse at the feminization and masculinization of poverty by patriarchy

When women are confined to the home performing only the necessary domestic duties of wife, child-bearer and nurturer and cook, a "feminine" stereotype is established and entrenched. When women either by choice or by force end up in domesticity, there are dire consequences for both women and men as follows: patriarchy is entrenched and there is an escalation of commitment on all fronts to attack those who dare defy this feminine stereotype. 

What is rarely discussed though is the pauperization of families by patriarchy. This is a new phenomena that has arisen as a result of failed or limping economies across the globe. By force and a false sense of honor, many men continue to be willingly ambushed by patriarchy, taking on the role of bread winner, when many no longer have the desire, inclination capability nor capacity to. 

No one person has got the monopoly on great ideas. 

Meanwhile, in domestic land, the women's intellectual capacity would have been eroded over many years of domesticity. The pressure for men to uphold patriarchy mounts and unable to cope, many opt for deviant behavior, such as child abuse, violence against women, drunkenness, extra marital relationships, suicide and so on. The once revered traditional family based on a shaky foundation of patriarchy falters and then falls and society is left with many unanswered questions. 

This scenario is being played out in Zimbabwe right now. Zimbabwe has became a nation where patriarchy is failing leading to both the feminization and masculinization of poverty. 

~ Gloria Ndoro-Mkombachoto ~


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