Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cry the beloved Zimbabwe

Today the 25th February, 2015, I salute everyone who calls Zimbabwe home and who has decided to stay under the harrowing circumstances we find ourselves in.
I salute you:
- for holding on to the umbilical cord when the Mother long severed ties with both the cord and baby.
- for putting up with the economic hostility that has altered your social lives in more ways than one and choosing not to chicken out through suicide as others are doing.
- for bearing the unbearable.
- for accepting the unacceptable.
- for tolerating the intolerable.
- for your deafening silence in order to prevent many from loosing leg and limb.
- for harnessing your Creators' gift of discernment and in the face of attacks from all directions, you have chosen to remain first class citizens at home in a world where citizenship is a source of exclusion and a justification for further attack.
- for being courageous and waking up every morning, energetic, yet agonising, wearing a smile-like mask that hides our sorrow, the thorns in our hearts and the bleeding wounds.
- for minding your own business where there is nothing else to mind but your very own business.
- for being quietly helpless where helplessness means self preservation.
- for recognising that we are so far gone, it is better to cower, survive and live than to shout from rooftops and be shot at.
- for your hope, that all shall be well, one day, some time, sooner or later, one way or another.
I salute you all, my Zimbabwe family. Your courage is contagious. It gives me strength and hope.

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