Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Patriarchal manifestations

There are three calamities facing Zimbabwean sisters today : Patriarchy, patriarchal men and patriarchal women.

These three are a serious danger to sisters not only in Zimbabwe but around the world. Patriarchy and misogyny are so entrenched, self perpetuating, second nature to many and are being propagated and promoted unconsciously, in Zimbabwe, under the name of culture.

The hate for sisters has reached alarming proportions. The recent case of the death of a degreed sex specialist for a mere $600 which was not found on her anyway and the mother of three caught having an extra marital relationship after her husband invaded her privacy by reading her whatsapp messages unauthorized, are cases in point.

Patriarchal men and patriarchal women informed by patriarchy and misogyny were at the centre of hate speech in these two cases and as always in all the other cases involving human beings, who happen to be women, who have made a transgression or mistake.

May I remind everyone that all life, of the human race kind, was transported to earth via sisters' wombs and vaginas. If sisters were as hateful, scornful, judgmental, selfish and unkind as patriarchy and its agents, there would be no human race, finish and klaar! You are here because we chose that you live.

As a sister, a daughter, a mother and very much a member of the human race, I am feeling rage inside me, about the diminished status of women in Zimbabwe. There is definitely a correlation between the eroded economic status of many from amongst us and the general hatefulness being spewed at women everyday.

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