Monday, April 11, 2022

Disruption the only way to level the playing field.

 The violence of poverty has a systematic habit of emptying our faculties of all goodness. When this happens, only ugliness prevails. 

We must fear the savagery of poverty, at all costs, for brutality and cruelty begets cruelty and brutality. 

All systems, cultural, political,  economic, control measures, etcetera, in the past and present, that excluded and as a result pauperised a people to a state of indignity, created a henious crime against humanity. Colonialism, apartheid, imperialism, capitalism neo-colonialism, the feminization of poverty and so on and so forth, are some of these treacherous systems. Our governments continue to pursue elements of this treachery at our very own peril. No one is untouchable. We are all affected, in one way or another. We are now a generation moving around whilst being scared of each other. We live in gated communities to keep other human beings, whom we know succumbed to predatory behaviors because of the violence metted on them by these acts of barbarity against humanity. It is cold comfort, for the non predatory minority from all hues, to believe they are safe and sustainable, when the majority are clearly excluded, hungry and perishing of disease.

Disruption of that which does not include nor benefit the currently excluded might be the only way to level the playing field. Maybe we all need to start from ground zero, where there is no other way except going up, for everyone, particularly those currently traumatized, by the viciousness of poverty.

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